Thursday, March 28, 2024

Addicted to Lesser Things


In 2018, Francis Chan published a book titled Letters to the Church. In 2024, I borrowed that book from the library and started reading it. In just the second chapter, I began to feel excited, and perhaps a little chastised, by what I was reading.

Letters to the Church - Francis Chan

Having explained, in Chapter One, why he left the megachurch he helped establish, Chan bursts out of the starting gate of Chapter Two with a Scriptural examination of just how amazing and sacred the church is meant to be...and how all the modern emphasis on church growth and bringing in people with professionally-produced worship services is missing the mark.

"Through the cross, people of every nation and tongue become members of one body? Amazing! God Himself is joining His creation and allowing them to be a part of His body? Unbelievable!"

Chan talks about how "the modern church" has failed to see itself as the sacred organism it is and has sunken to using business models and entertainment models instead of the Spirit's guidance.

"I can't help but see our own lameness in failing to see the beauty in God's design for the Church. Heavenly beings are shocked by God's Church, while many on earth yawn. The early church didn't need the energetic music, great videos, attractive leaders, or elaborate lighting to be excited about being a part of God's body. The pure gospel was enough to put them in a place of awe.

Aren't you at least a little embarrassed that you have needed the extra stuff? It's not all your fault. For decades church leaders like myself have lost sight of the powerful mystery inherent in the Church and have instead run to other methods to keep people interested. In all honesty, we have trained you to become addicted to lesser things. We have cheapened something sacred, and we must repent."

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Truth is...There's nothing inherently wrong with being a megachurch. But filling huge auditoriums is not a guaranteed sign that the Spirit is moving within. The WWF and the NFL can fill thousands of seats as people observe their events. And if a congregation is attracting people to a great show instead of a great it really a church?

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