Thursday, September 12, 2024

You Never Know Who God Is Gonna Use


It's interesting when a peripheral character becomes a pivotal part of the story.

According to The Demon of Unrest by Erik Larson, Abraham Lincoln made a detour on his train trip from Illinois to the White House. He had been elected President and was moving his family to the nation's capital, but there was an actor...well-respected for his tragic roles...performing in a production of The Apostate at a theater in Albany, and Lincoln wanted to see the show.

That event would have been hardly memorable except that the actor's name was John Wilkes Booth, who would assassinate President Lincoln 50 months later.

The Law & Order "cha-chung" that sounded in my head when I read that is similar to the ominous feeling in any reenactment of the gospel story whenever Judas Iscariot is introduced. But when Judas became one of the twelve, he was just another guy wanting to learn from Jesus. There was nothing about him that immediately said "This guy's going to be a traitor."

In the same way, but in a positive light, there are people...and animals, even...scattered throughout Scripture who are simply living their lives but end up being important parts of God's plan.

That's the Queen of England Photobombing!

Rich Mullins has a song that talks about that. (Oh...THERE'S a big surprise.)

Now Balaam, he had a donkey
Who was gentle and true and kind
And the donkey saw an angel with a sword
So he slipped old Balaam past him
And when he done it three times
Well, Balaam got so mad he beat the donkey
And so the Lord
Well, he gave the donkey language
And the donkey plainly brayed,
"Well, there's an angel about to strike you from the path"
Then old Balaam's eyes were opened
And he realized he'd been saved
By his donkey from the angel of God's wrath

And a princess pulled a baby out of the water
He was hidden in the rushes
Sleeping in a basket made of reeds
And you never know who God is gonna use
A princess or a baby
Or maybe even you or me

Now Esther, she was a beauty
Who was pleasing to a man
And the man that she was pleasing was a king
But her people's lives were threatened
By some wicked men's plans
Nobody knew just how the lord was gonna intervene
Well, Mordecai her uncle, he was honest but he was smart
And he knew that Esther's beauty was a gift
He said, "Maybe you could cook some supper
Maybe you could change a king's heart
Who knows but what you come into the world
For such a time as this"

And a princess pulled a baby out of the water . . .

There was Miriam a-dancing
And there was Jubal with a harp
There was poor blind Samson
Even Pontius Pilate played a part

And a princess pulled a baby out of the water
He was hidden in the rushes
Sleeping in a basket made of reeds
And you never know who God is gonna use
A princess or a baby
Or maybe even you or me
c.1991 BMG Songs,Inc. (ASCAP)

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Truth is...You just may think you're a minor character in God's story; that there's nothing outstanding about you that would say, "This person's going to make a difference."


You just may be wrong.

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