Thursday, June 13, 2024

Speak, Lord, for Your Servant Listens


Strange as it may seem, there are times when I actually think the things I write in this space have the potential to wield an eternal influence...or at least an INternal one.

But then I awake from my delusion and realize that my words having an influence on anyone's spiritual well-being isn't the goal here at all.

I absolutely self-identify with the prayer of Thomas à Kempis in The Imitation of Christ, as updated and edited by James N. Watkins:

Prophets indeed can give us words, but they cannot give the Spirit. They speak with great beauty, but they do not burn in my heart when you are silent. They give us scriptures, but only you give understanding to them. They pronounce commandments, but only you give me power to obey them. They show the way, but only you give strength for the journey. They speak to my outward actions, but only you instruct and enlighten my heart. They water, but you produce the harvest.
       Therefore don't let Moses speak Eternal Truth to me, but only you, O Lord my God. Without your words, I die and bring forth no fruit, being outwardly admonished, but not changed within. May I not only hear the Word but follow it. May it not be simply known but loved; not just believed but obeyed. Speak, Lord, for your servant listens. "You have the words that give eternal life" (John 6:68). Speak to me for the comfort of my soul, for the transformation of my whole life, and for the praise, glory, and eternal honor of your name.

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Truth is...The goal of these posts is to point us to Jesus and allow him to have his way in our hearts.

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