Thursday, February 29, 2024

Listening for Yahweh's Voice


I recently read Why I Am Still Surprised by the Voice of God by Jack Deere. Because I was raised in a church tradition that operated under the assumption that all direct communication from God ceased once the original apostles died off, I couldn't help but be a little wary of the book's testimonies of "how God speaks today through prophecies, dreams, and visions."

And yet, the humility with which Deere wrote and the Scriptures he pointed out and the personal testimony of my own son have all worked together to leave me open to the possibility of hearing and being led by God's "still, small voice."

And then, in today's reading from THE IMITATION OF CHRIST: Classic Devotions in Today's Language, by Thomas à Kempis (Compiled and Edited by James N. Watkins), I was directed to consider the words of Jesus in John 16:13-14...

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard...He will bring me glory by telling you whatever he receives from me.

...and also the words of Thomas à Kempis...

Truly blessed are the ears that listen -- not to the sounds surrounding them -- but to the voice of Truth inside. Blessed are the eyes that are closed to outward things, but are focused on things within. Blessed are they who search inward things and study to prepare themselves by daily exercises for the receiving of heavenly mysteries. Blessed are they who long to have time for God and free themselves from every time-waster in the world. Think on these things, O my soul. Shut the doors of your selfish and sinful desires so you may hear what the Lord God will say within you.

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Truth is...I am practically a slave to time-wasters and cultural noise, but I believe the lord of the universe is able to deliver me from evil and bring his kingdom to life within me here and now...on earth as it is in heaven.

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