Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Do You Trust Me?

Aladdin is trying to help the young incognito princess to escape their pursuers. They're running hither and yon and come upon what seems to be a rooftop dead end. Extending an invitation to jump off the roof for crying out loud, the street rat says to the damsel in distress, "Do you trust me?"

There is no time to explain or debate or come up with an alternate plan. She needs to decide...Do I entrust my well-being to this guy, or do I head off and take my own chances?

Methinks it almost always comes to a point like that for people considering Christ.

A person can study books and weigh opinions and philosophize about altruism and social justice, but sooner or later it's going to have to come down to a decision...Do I entrust my well-being to this guy, or do I head off and take my own chances?

Truth is...it's not about what Jesus taught; it's about who he claimed to be and what you're going to do about that. It's not about believing ideas; it's about trusting a person.

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