Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Shelly Winters Speaks Truth

In her later years, Shelly Winters (seen below, center, with several fellow cast members of The Poseidon Adventure) was most well-known as (1) being an outspoken guest on The Merv Griffin Show and other talkfests, and (2) not being particularly slender...ahem.

I ran across a quote from Ms. Winters that, while being fairly funny, has something to say about personal convictions, standards, and how we humans determine what is true:

I think onstage nudity is disgusting, shameful, and damaging to all things American. But if I were 22 with a great body, it would be artistic, tasteful, patriotic, and a progressive religious experience.

Truth is...our opinions about what is right, wrong, true, false, helpful, harmful, etc. are greatly influenced by our personal experiences and idiosyncrasies. At least, that's what my personal experience has led me to believe.

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